2023 Impact factor 2.6
Hadrons and Nuclei
Eur. Phys. J A 2, 1-2

Short note

The $\gamma$-decay of the GDR built on superdeformed states in 143Eu

F. Camera1 - A. Bracco1 - A. Maj2 - B. Herskind3 - A. Atac4 - P. Bosetti1 - R. Bark3 - I.G. Bearden3 - J.J. Gaardhøje3 - M. Kmiecik2 - S. Leoni1 - M. Mattiuzzi1 - G. Turri1

1 Universitá di Milano, Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN sez. Milano, 20133 Milano, Italy
2 The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, 31-342 Kraków, Poland
3 The Niels Bohr Institute, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
4 Department of Radiation Science, Uppsala University S-75121 Uppsala, Sweeden

Received: 17 November 1997 Communicated by B. Herskind

A search for the $\gamma$ decay of the Giant Dipole Resonance built on superdeformed (SD) nuclear configurations of 143Eu was made, using the reaction 110Pd(37Cl, 4n)143Eu at 165 MeV. Eight large BaF2 scintillators and the NORDBALL array were used to measure high and low-energy $\gamma$-rays. The $\gamma$-spectrum gated by transitions populated by the SD states shows an excess yield at 7-10 MeV compared to the spectrum gated by transitions not populated by SD states. The comparison with statistical model predictions indicates that this excess most probably is due to $\gamma$-ray emission of the GDR built on superdeformed states.

25.70.-z Low and intermediate energy heavy-ion reactions - 25.70.Gh Compound nucleous

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