Short note
Observation of intermediate bands feeding the positive-parity yrast band in 155Gd
J.Y. Huh1 - C.S. Lee1 - Y.K. Kwon1 - J.Y. Kim1 - Y. Gono2 - T. Morikawa2 - H. Watanabe2 - M. Shibata2 - S. Motomura2 - T. Tsutsumi2 - T. Fukuchi2 - T. Kishida3 - E. Ideguchi3 - X.H. Zhou3 - A. Odahara4 - S. Kubono5 - J.H. Ha6 - M.K. Cheoun6 - C. Lee6 - J.C. Kim6 - C.-B. Moon7 - S.J. Chae7 - Y.K. Kim8 - J.S. Chai9
1 Department of Physics, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 156-756, Republic of Korea
2 Department of Physics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812-81, Japan
3 RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-01, Japan
4 Nishi-nippon Institute of Technology, Fukuoka 800-03, Japan
5 Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo, 3-2-1 Midoicho, Tanashi, Tokyo 188, Japan
6 Department of Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Republic of Korea
7 Department of Physics, Hoseo University, Chung-Nam 337-795, Republic of Korea
8 Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon 305-600, Republic of Korea
9 Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul 139-240, Republic of Korea
Received: 2 November 1999 Communicated by B. Herskind
High-spin states of 155Gd were populated
by using the 154Sm(,3n)155Gd
reaction at
= 33 MeV.
singles, excitation function, and the DCO ratios
were measured. we have identified three intermediate bands with
the positive yrast band. The bands are interpreted as such candidate bands that are
mixed with the negative-parity ground state band. This observation can provide
a plausible explanation for unusually large population of the positive-parity yrast band
observed in a recent Coulomb excitation.
23.20.Lv Gamma transitions and level energies -
Copyright Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2000