Reaction mechanism of 6Li scattering at 600 MeV
K. Schwarz1,2 - C. Samanta1,3 - M. Fujiwara1,6 - H. Rebel2 - R. De Leo4 - N. Matsuoka1 - H. Utsunomiya5 - H. Akimune6 - I. Daito1 - H. Fujimura1 - F. Ihara1 - K. Ishibashi1 - Y. Maeda1 - T. Yamanaka1 - H. Yoshida1 - A. Okihana7 - T. Yoshimura7 - P.K.J. van Aarle1,8 - W.A.T. Uijen1,8 - M. Ito9 - Y. Sakuragi9
1 Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, Osaka 567-0047, Japan
2 Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
3 Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, 1/AF Bidhannagar, Calcutta 700 064, India
4 University of Bari, Dipartimento di Fisica, 70126 Bari, Italy
5 Konan University, Kobe, Japan
6 Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, 2-4 Tokai, Ibaraki
319-1195, Japan
7 Kyoto University of Education, Kyoto, Japan
8 Eindhoven University of Technology, 5612 AZ, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
9 Department of Physics, Osaka City University, Osaka 558-8585, Japan
Received: 17 December 1999 / Revised version: 9 February 2000 Communicated by D. Schwalm
Elastic scattering and inclusive breakup of 6Li particles on 12C, 58Ni,
90Zr, and 208Pb targets are measured at 100A MeV. The elastic scattering data are compared
with single channel and Coupled Discretized Continuum Channels calculations. The coupling-effect
between the elastic and the breakup channels is important even at an incident energy of 100A MeV and
cannot be neglected. The inclusive breakup data are investigated for orbital dispersion effects
which are found to be less significant at 100A MeV. The longitudinal momentum distributions are
broader than predicted by theoretical expectations.
24.50.+g Direct reactions -
25.60.Gc Breakup and momentum distributions -
Copyright Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2000