Eur. Phys. J. A 12, 335-339 (2001)
Evidence for a proton halo in
through measurements of
reaction cross-sections at intermediate energies
D.Q. Fang1, W.Q. Shen1, 2, J. Feng1, X.Z. Cai1, H.Y. Zhang1, Y.G. Ma1, C. Zhong1, Z.Y. Zhu1, W.Z. Jiang1, W.L. Zhan3, Z.Y. Guo3, G.Q. Xiao3, J.S. Wang3, J.Q. Wang3, J.X. Li3, M. Wang3, J.F. Wang3, Z.J. Ning3, Q.J. Wang3 and Z.Q. Chen3
1 Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, PRC
2 Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, PRC
3 Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, PRC
(Received: 23 May 2001 / Revised version: 21 August 2001 Communicated by W.F. Henning)
Measurements of reaction cross-sections (
's) for some
proton-rich nuclei (
isotones) on carbon target at
intermediate energies have been performed on RIBLL of HIRFL.
A larger enhancement of the
27P has been
observed than for its neighboring nuclei. A large difference
between the proton and neutron density distributions (proton halo)
is necessary to explain the enhanced cross-section for
within the framework of the Glauber model. Density distributions
with HO-type core plus Yukawa-square tail and rms radii for
have been deduced from the measured
data for the first
time, which conform the long tail in its densities as predicted by
RMF calculations.
25.60.Dz - Interaction and reaction cross-sections.
27.30.+t -

24.10.-i - Nuclear-reaction models and methods.
© Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2001