Eur. Phys. J. A 13, 123-127 (2002)
Fusion-fission reactions induced by -ions
Yu.E. Penionzhkevich1, Yu.A. Muzychka1, S.M. Lukyanov1, R. Kalpakchieva1, N.K. Skobelev1, V.P. Perelygin1 and Z. Dlouhy21 Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
2 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Rez near Prague, Czech Republic
(Received: 1 May 2001 / Revised version: 7 September 2001)
The experimentally measured excitation functions for the
fission and 4n evaporation channels are presented for the
reaction. The secondary
beam was produced using
the special beam line (Q4DQ-spectrometer) of the U400M accelerator at FLNR,
The comparison of the obtained experimental data with similar results for
reaction shows that in the case of the
reaction a significant enhancement of the
cross-section is observed for energies above the barrier. In order to get an
agreement between the experimental data and the theoretical calculations it
is necessary to reduce the Coulomb barrier by 15-20% , which corresponds
to an increase of the parameter
r0 of the nuclear potential up to
1.5-1.6 fm.
25.60.-t - Reactions induced by unstable nuclei.
25.70.Jj - Fusion and fusion-fission reactions.
24.10.-i - Nuclear-reaction models and methods.
© Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2002