Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Examination of gamma radiation from
reaction at low energies
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Arak University, 8349-8-38156, Arak, Iran
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In this study, we have conducted an assessment of direct capture cross sections, astrophysical S-factors, phase shifts, and their derivatives at low energies within the framework of the potential model. We present the first investigation of the reaction’s cross sections and astrophysical S-factors using the Woods–Saxon potential. The
reaction plays a key role in the production of carbon-11 in stars, providing insights into stellar evolution and the synthesis of elements in the universe. Our analysis focuses on the astrophysical S-factor for the electric dipole (E1) transition within the energy range of 0–500 keV. The chosen parametrization reproduces the available experimental and theoretical data for cross sections and astrophysical S-factors in this reaction accurately. Furthermore, we have extrapolated the S-factor values to zero energy (S(0)) for the
energy levels. The calculated S(0) values are found to be 9.25 keV barn, 9.37 keV barn, and 8.54 keV barn, respectively.
M. Dalvand and H. Khalili have contributed equally to this work.
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