2023 Impact factor 2.6
Hadrons and Nuclei
Eur. Phys. J. A 2, 311-322

Phenomenological $\bf \pi N \to \pi\pi N$ amplitude and the modelling of the Olsson-Turner and Chew-Low approaches

A.A. Bolokhov1 - S.G. Sherman2

1 Sankt-Petersburg State University, Sankt-Petersburg, 198904, Russia (e-mail: bolokhov@niif.spb.su)
2 St. Petersburg Institute for Nuclear Physics, Sankt-Petersburg, 188350, Russia (e-mail: sherman@hep486.pnpi.spb.ru)

Received: 10 December 1997 Communicated by V.V. Anisovich

The phenomenological amplitude for the reaction $\pi N \to \pi\pi N$ fixed by fittings to the experimental data in the energy region $0.300 \le P_{\rm Lab} \le 500$ MeV/c is used for modelling the Chew-Low extrapolation and Olsson-Turner threshold approach. It is shown that the uncritical application of the former results in enermous theoretical errors, the extracted values being in fact random numbers. The results of the Olsson-Turner method are characterized by significant systematic errors coming from unknown details of the isobar physics.

13.75.-n Hadron-induced low- and intermediate reactions and scattering (energy $\le$10 GeV) - 13.75.Gw Pion-baryon interactions - 13.75.Lb Meson-meson interaction

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