(1405) as a multiquark state
Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
Received: 11 November 1997 / Revised version: 28 April 1998 Communicated by W. Weise
In the QCD sum rule approach
we predict the (1405) mass by choosing
multiquark interpolating field.
It is found that the mass is about 1.419 GeV from
sum rule
which is more reliable than
sum rule,
are two invariant functions
of the correlator
. We also present the sum rules
for the K+ p and the
multiquark states,
and compare to those for the
multiquark state.
The mass of the
(1600) can be also reproduced
in our approach.
24.85.+p Quarks, gluons, and QCD in nuclei and nuclear processes -
14.20.-c Baryons (including antiparticles) -
21.10.Dr Binding energies and masses
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