2023 Impact factor 2.6
Hadrons and Nuclei
Eur. Phys. J. A 5, 97-104

Diffractive production of charm in DIS and gluon nuclear shadowing

L. Alvero1 - L.L. Frankfurt2 - M.I. Strikman3,4

1 Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
2 School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel
3 Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
4 Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany

Received: 13 November 1998 / Revised version: 25 January 1998 Communicated by A. Schäfer

We evaluate nuclear shadowing of the total cross section of charm particles production in DIS within the framework of Gribov theory of nuclear shadowing generalized to account for the QCD evolution. We use as an input the recent QCD Pomeron parton density analysis of the HERA diffractive data. Assuming that the QCD factorization theorem is applicable to the charm production off nuclei we also calculate shadowing of the gluon densities in nuclei and find it sufficiently large for heavy nuclei: $G_{A\sim 200}(x,Q^2)/AG_N(x,Q^2)
\sim 0.45-0.5 \cdot (A/200)^{-0.15}$for $x \sim 10^{-3\div -4}, Q^2 \sim 20 \div 40 GeV^2$to influence significantly the physics of heavy ion collisions at LHC. We evaluate also suppression of minijet and hidden charm production in the central AA collisions. We also discuss some properties of the final states for $\gamma^*A $ processes dominated by the scattering off small x gluons like the high pt jet and charm production.

13.60.-r Photon and charged-lepton interactions with hadrons - 24.85.+p Quarks, gluons, and QCD in nuclei and nuclear processes

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