Hadron diffractive processes: the structure of soft pomeron and colour screening
L.G. Dakhno - V.A. Nikonov
St.Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, 188350 St.Petersburg, Russia
(e-mail: dakhno@hep486.pnpi.spb.ru;
Received: 15 December 1998 Communicated by V.V. Anisovich
On the basis of the experimental data on diffractive processes in
, pp and collisions at intermediate, moderately
high and high energies, we restore the scattering amplitude related
to the t-channel exchange by vacuum quantum numbers by
taking account of the diffractive s-channel rescatterings.
At intermediate and moderately high energies, the t-channel exchange
amplitude turns, with a good accuracy, into an effective pomeron which
renders the results of the additive quark model. At superhigh
energies the scattering amplitude provides a Froissart-type behaviour,
with an asymptotic universality of cross sections such as
at . The quark structure of hadrons being taken
into account at the level of constituent quarks, the cross
sections of pion and proton (antiproton) in the impact parameter
space of quarks, and , are found as functions of s.
These cross sections implicate the phenomenon of colour screening: they
tend to zero at .The effective colour screening radius
for pion (proton) is found for different s. The predictions for
the diffractive cross sections at superhigh energies are presented.
14.20.Dh Protons and neutrons -
14.40.Aq , K and mesons -
13.85.Dz Elastic scattering -
13.85.Lg Total cross sections
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