2023 Impact factor 2.6
Hadrons and Nuclei
Eur. Phys. J. A 5, 173-182

Nuclear shadowing in DIS at moderately small xB

J. Raufeisen1 - A.V. Tarasov1,2 - O.O. Voskresenskaya2

1 Institut für Theoretische Physik, Philosophenweg 19, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
2 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 141980 Moscow Region, Russia

Received: 7. January 1999 / Revised version: 22 February 1999 Communicated by A. Schäfer

In the rest frame of the nucleus, shadowing is due to hadronic fluctuations of the incoming virtual photon, which interact with the nucleons. We expand these fluctuations in a basis of eigenstates of the interaction and take only the $q\bar q$ component of the hadronic structure of the photon into account. We use a representation in which the $q\bar q$-pair has a definite transverse size. Starting from the Dirac equation, we develop a path integral approach that allows to sum all multiple scattering terms and accounts for fluctuations of the transverse size of the pair, as well as for the finite lifetime of the hadronic state. First numerical results show that higher order scattering terms have a strong influence on the total cross section $\sigma^{\gamma^*A}_{tot}$. The aim of this paper is to give a detailed derivation of the formula for the total cross section.

11.80.Fv Approximations (eikonal approximation, variational principles, etc.) - 11.80.La Multiple scattering - 13.60.Hb Total and inclusive cross sections (including deep-inelastic processes) - 25.20.Dc Photon absorption and scattering

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