Eur. Phys. J. A 12, 121-124 (2001)
General formalism in collinear regime for pseudoscalar meson production in NN collisions
N.K. Pak and M.P. RekaloPhysics Department, Middle East Technical University, 06531, Ankara, Turkey
(Received: 13 August 2001 Communicated by V.V. Anisovich )
The spin structure of the matrix element for the pseudoscalar meson
production processes in nucleon-nucleon collisions is established in the
collinear kinematical regime in terms of 3 independent scalar
amplitudes. This result is valid for any reaction mechanism and for
any energy of the colliding and the produced particles. The complete
experiment for the full reconstruction of all 3 complex amplitudes
must contain two different classes of polarization experiments. The
polarization transfer coefficients can be used to determine the moduli
of all 3 amplitudes, whereas the spin correlation coefficients for
collisions are sensitive to the relative
phases of different amplitudes.
13.88.+e - Polarization in interactions and scattering.
14.20.Dh - Protons and neutrons.
© Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2001