Elastic scattering of light radioactive nuclei as studied with ECIS
CEA, Université Paris Saclay, IRFU, Département de Physique Nucléaire, 91191, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
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The data set of elastic scattering reactions of the light radioactive nuclei He and Be on proton and C targets has been analyzed using Jacques Raynal’s ECIS code. The cross sections were calculated with the Optical Model Potential (OMP) approach. This analysis, based on phenomenological or microscopic potentials, showed that the experimental data could not be reproduced with the bare potential of the system, calculated for the ground states of the colliding nuclei. The interpretation of the data highlighted the need to include specific coupling effects, due to the weakly-bound nature of the radioactive nuclei. The powerful framework of the ECIS code has made it possible to fully integrate the needed coupled channels. The objectives of this article are: (i) to discuss the previous results obtained for the elastic scattering of the exotic nuclei He and Be, with the successful interpretation using OMPs; (ii) to explain how these calculations were reexamined to give rise to a more microscopic understanding of the effects of the coupled reaction channels for Be + p, in light of the analysis performed for the direct reactions of He on proton. Basic calculations of asymmetry observables related to the spin-orbit potential are also presented, to illustrate the testing of the optical potentials using ECIS tools. Finally, the questions concerning the possible integration of the Continuum Discretized Coupled Channels into the ECIS code are discussed.
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Società Italiana di Fisica and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021