Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Neutron density fluctuation and neutron–proton correlation from AMPT model
School of Physics and Mechanical Electrical and Engineering, Hubei University of Education, 430205, Wuhan, China
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Hubei University of Education, 430205, Wuhan, China
School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Xinyang Normal University, 464000, Xinyang, People’s Republic of China
Key Laboratory of Quark and Lapten Physics (MOE), Central China Normal University, 430079, Wuhan, China
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Using the multiphase transport (AMPT) model, we study the relative neutron density fluctuation and neutron–proton correlation in matter produced by Au + Au collisions at 7.7–200 GeV. The rapidity, centrality, and energy dependence of these two observations are also discussed. The light nuclei yield ratio of proton, deuteron, and triton calculated directly from the relative neutron density fluctuation and neutron–proton correlation, decreases with rapidity coverage and increases with collision centrality. Our study also found that the ratio does not exhibit any non-monotonic behavior in collision energy dependence. Since there is no first-order phase transition or critical physics in the AMPT model, our work provides a reference for extracting the relative neutron density fluctuation from light nuclei production in experiments.
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