Regular Article – Experimental Physics
Core-excited states leading to the high-spin band structure in Nb nucleus
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), 221005, Varanasi, India
Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, T. I. F. R., 400005, Mumbai, India
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We used the Se(O,p4n) Nb reaction with a beam energy of 99MeV and the INGA spectrometer to investigate high-spin states in odd A Nb. Our data analysis revealed the spectral features of the nuclear states of interest. The previously reported decay scheme was verified. Spin and parity were assigned to the existing levels. Fourteen new side-feeding transitions were placed. Doppler shift attenuation method was used to measure the lifetimes of multiple levels in the dipole and quadrupole bands. Comparisons between the experimental characteristics and cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations for the observed quadrupole bands and dipole bands indicate that these bands have been formed on the triaxial deformed shape of Nb.
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