Regular Article - Theoretical Phyiscs
Elastic proton transfer in the scattering of 15N + 16O near the Coulomb barrier
L.N. Gumilyov, Eurasian National University, 010008, Astana, Kazakhstan
Institute of Nuclear Physics, 050032, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Physics Department, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia
Department of Physics, Florida State University, 32306, Tallahassee, FL, USA
Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
Published online:
The present work presents a detailed analysis of angular distribution data for the 15N + 16O system in the energy range Ec.m. = 10.3–20.6 MeV that are characterized by pronounced increases in cross sections at large angles > 130°. These data sets allow for the energy dependence of elastic scattering potentials and elastic proton transfer to be explored from energies just below the Coulomb barrier to energies about 1.5 times its value. For this purpose, we have implemented various forms, both phenomenological and microscopic, for the interaction potentials. An elastic proton transfer amplitude for the 16O → p + 15N configuration was added to the scattering analysis through DWBA calculations. The extracted amplitudes were roughly energy and optical model form independent and yielded a good description of the enhanced large angle cross sections. These amplitudes when then converted to 16O → p + 15N spectroscopic factors (SF), are in good agreement with previously reported light ion reaction ones. Possible channel coupling effects on the large angle cross sections that included excitation of 16O and transfer to excited 15N states were carried out through Coupled Reaction Channels (CRC) calculations and found to be small.
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