Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Examining the fusion excitation functions of reactions induced by 8B on 28Si, 58Ni, 144Sm and 208Pb targets within the CDCC framework
Department of Physics, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, 131039, Murthal, India
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Here we aim to examine the fusion dynamics and explore the influence of the proton halo structure on above and below barrier fusion cross sections for reactions induced by 8B on 28Si, 58Ni, 144Sm and 208Pb targets. The calculations have been carried out by Continuum discretised coupled channel (CDCC) approach-based computer code FRESCO. It is found that on inclusion of continuum couplings, the total (TF) and complete fusion (CF) calculations are affected insignificantly for light and heavier mass targets with respect to the predictions of Universal fusion function (UFF) curve and without coupling calculations. While a significant variation in both TF and CF has been observed for medium mass target. Further, in present work it has also been noticed that the calculated suppression factor for proton-halo does not follow a systematic trend of other neutron-halo or stable (weakly or tightly bound) projectile.
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