Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Toward a unified description of the one-neutron halo nuclei C and C from structure to reaction
School of Physics, Beihang University, 100191, Beijing, China
Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Engineering Physics, 621900, Mianyang, Sichuan, China
Baoding Hospital of Beijing Children’s Hospital, 071000, Baoding, Hebei, China
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To achieve a unified description of the one-neutron halo nuclei C and C from structural properties to reaction dynamics, we combine the microscopic, self-consistent deformed relativistic Hartree–Bogoliubov theory in the continuum (DRHBc) with the Glauber model. For C, the valence neutron orbital with dominant components supports the experimental ground-state spin-parity and halo formation. The halo nature of C is attributed to a prolate state with the valence neutron orbital also dominated by components. The neutron densities for the halo states of C and C are significantly more dilute than those for C. With the DRHBc calculated densities of the core nucleus and the wave functions of the valence neutron as inputs, the reaction cross sections (RCSs) of C bombarding a carbon target and the longitudinal momentum distributions of the core residues with one-neutron removal from C are calculated by the Glauber model. The results not only demonstrate a significant increase of RCS from C to C but also accurately reproduce the measured RCS for the C + C reaction. Compared to the C residue from the one-neutron removal of C, the longitudinal momentum distributions for C and C residues from C and C, respectively, are notably narrower and exhibit clear peak shapes, supporting the halo structure of C and C. These findings further validate the DRHBc + Glauber approach, following its successful applications to the halo nuclei Ne and Mg.
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