Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Theoretical analysis of two-neutron transfer in the
C reaction
Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal Fluminense, 24210-340, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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This work studies the two-neutron pickup transfer in the reaction C(p,t)
C at 43 and 80 MeV in the laboratory frame. Finite-range coupled reaction channel calculations were performed to analyze the experimental angular distributions for direct and sequential two-neutron transfer mechanisms. Shell-model calculations were carried out to derive the spectroscopic amplitudes for the target overlaps. We show that the results of the both mechanisms present the same order of magnitude of the experimental data, thus there is a competition between the direct and sequential mechanisms for both energies studied. The data, in general, are well-described for the coherent sum of the direct and sequential transfers without any normalization factor.
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