Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Charged hadron spectra and anisotropic flow from the AMPT model with shear viscous transport dynamics simulations at RHIC
School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, 330013, Nanchang, China
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We utilized the AMPT model to simulate the shear viscous transport dynamics of parton matter in Au + Au collisions at a constant specific shear viscosity and varying phase transition temperatures at . The resulting charged hadron spectra and anisotropic flow profiles correspond closely with experimental data. The transverse momentum spectra and longitudinal decorrelations are essentially unaffected by the phase transition temperature. An increase in the phase transition temperature leads to a rise in particle yields at midrapidity, accompanied by a decrease in both elliptic and triangular flows over a range of transverse momenta and pseudorapidities.
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