Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Unbiased interpolated neutron-star EoS at finite T for modified gravity studies
Depto. Fisica Teorica and IPARCOS, Univ. Complutense de Madrid, Plaza de las Ciencias 1, 28040, Madrid, Spain
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Neutron stars and their mergers provide the highest-density regime in which Einstein’s equations in full (with a matter source) can be tested against modified theories of gravity. But doing so requires a priori knowledge of the Equation of State from nuclear and hadron physics, where no contamination from computations of astrophysics observables within General Relativity has been built in. We extend the nEoS uncertainty bands, useful for this very purpose, to finite (but small) temperatures up to MeV, given that the necessary computations in ChPT and in pQCD are already available in the literature. The T-dependent band boundaries will be provided through the COMPOSE repository and our own website.
© The Author(s) 2022
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