Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Constraining equations of state for massive neutron star within relativistic mean field models
Department of Physics, Himachal Pradesh University, Summerhill, 171005, Shimla, India
Department of Physics, Government College Karsog, District Mandi, 175011, Karsog, Himachal Pradesh, India
School of Applied Sciences, Himachal Pradesh Technical University, 177001, Hamirpur, India
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In the present work, we constrain the equations of the state of asymmetric dense matter in consideration of the heaviest observed neutron star mass M M for the black widow pulsar PSR J0952-0607, finite and bulk nuclear properties. We propose four interactions for the relativistic mean field model which include different combinations of non-linear, self, and cross-couplings among isoscalar–scalar isoscalar–vector isovector–vector and isovector–scalar meson meson fields up to the quartic order. These interactions harmonize with the finite nuclei and bulk nuclear matter properties. It is observed that interactions obtained with the inclusion of meson coupling with nucleons have a significant effect on the slope of symmetry energy (L), radius (R and dimensionless tidal deformability corresponding to a canonical mass neutron star. The radius of neutron star mass is predicted to be in the range = 12.98–13.34 km which also satisfies the NICER observations Miller et al. (Astrophys. J. Lett. 918, L28 (2021).
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