Scientific Advisory Committee
Since January 2000, a Scientific Advisory Committee, has been established with the aim to advise both the publishers and the Editors-in-Chief of the respective sections of The European Physical Journal about editorial policy matters and aims & scope. The overall purpose is to offer the physics community - in Europe and throughout the world - a unified and high-quality forum to further development of international collaborations and the world-wide dissemination of physical sciences.
Recently, the publishers have also invited other researcher networks of European significance to offer their expertise to suitably advise for the same purpose.
The Scientific Advisory Committee meets once a year and is chaired by one of the representatives. Currently they are: Chairperson 2025: Ian Bearden; Past Chairperson: Zsolt Fülöp; Chairperson Elect: Sara Pirrone

Group photo of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Editors-in-Chief and Steering Committee of EPJ taken at the joint meeting at EMPA, Dübendorf, Switzerland, April 2023 (photographer: Maria Sutter)
The original chart of the Scientific Advisory Committee can be found here. The current chart has been approved at the SAC meeting in 2011 and further updated in 2016 and 2020.
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The Scientific Advisory Committee consists of representatives from the following societies:

Austrian Physical Society
Representative: Gottfried Strasser
Optical components and nanostructures

Belgian Physical Society
Representative: Kristel Crombé
Plasma physics, nuclear fusion, ion cyclotron resonant heating, plasma diagnostics, spectroscopy

Bulgarian Physical Society
Representative: Victoria Vitkova
Soft matter physics

Croatian Physical Society
Representative: Katarina Uzelac
Statistical physics; critical phenomena, nonequilibrium systems; solid-state physics

Czech Physical Society
Representative: Libor Juha
Chemical consequences of XUV/x-ray laser-matter interactions

Danish Physical Society
Representative: Ian Bearden
Experimental particle physics

European Physical Society
Representative: Roberta Caruso
Superconducting devices; oxide interfaces

Finnish Physical Society
Representative: Anu Kankainen
Nuclear physics; nuclear astrophysics

French Physical Society
Representative: Quentin Glorieux
Quantum optics, quantum technology, cold atomics gases, BEC, superfluidity, fluids of light, quantum gases, polaritons, NanoOptics

German Physical Society
Representative: Silvia Masciocchi
Heavy-ion Physics, Quantum Chromodynamics, Strongly-interacting Matter under Extreme Conditions, Particle Instrumentation, Semiconductor (pixel) Sensors, Particle Detection Technologies

Hellenic Physical Society
Representative: Konstantinos Bachas
Experimental High Energy Physics; LHC; ATLAS Detector; Muon Spectrometer; Diboson Production

Israel Physical Society
Representative: Eric Akkermans
Mesoscopic quantum physics; non-equilibrium statistical mechanics; quantum condensed matter

Italian Physical Society
Representative: Sara Pirrone
Nuclear Physics: nuclear reaction and dynamics (heavy ion collision, multifragmentation, complete and incomplete fusion, fission), nuclear matter, equation of state, nuclear thermodynamics

Latvian Physical Society
Representative: Ruvin Ferber
Molecular spectroscopy; diatomic molecules; hyperfine structure; optics; optical polarization of molecules; astrophysics; nitrogen-vacancy centers; foundations of physics

The Netherlands' Physical Society
Representative: Brenda Timmerman
Particle physics

Norwegian Physical Society
Representative: Aleksi Kurkela
Quantum chromodynamics, high-energy nuclear physics, heavy-ion collisions, neutron stars

Polish Physical Society
Representative: Adam Maj
Experimental low energy nuclear physics; structure of atomic nucleus; nuclear deformation; nuclear giant resonances; collective vibrations; gamma-ray detectors; gamma-ray spectroscopy; g-factor measurement; exotic nuclei; hot rotating nuclei; popularization of science

Portuguese Physical Society
Representative: Luís Carlos
optical materials, luminescence nanothermometry and applications of organic-inorganic hybrids in luminescent solar concentrators, solid-state lighting, and integrated optics

Roland Eötvös Physical Society (Hungary)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Representative: Zsolt Fülöp
Nuclear astrophysics, ultra low energy nuclear reactions, low background techniques

Romanian Physical Society
Representative: Ioan Ursu
Nuclear physics: nuclear structure models and applications of the nuclear to medicine, science communication

Russian Academy of Sciences
Participation suspended

Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia
Representative: Slobodan Žumer
Modeling, simulations, and theory of anisotropic soft matter and its use in optics and photonics

Spanish Royal Physics Society
Representative: Miguel Ángel Fernández Sanjuán
Chaos; nonlinear dynamics; complex systems

Swedish Physical Society
Representative: Johan Åkerman
Spintronics, magnonics, nano devices, Brillouin light scattering microscopy, neuromorphic computing

Swiss Physical Society
Representative: Michel Calame
Condensed matter physics; materials and molecular physics; nanoscience, nano- and molecular electronics; nanomaterials; biophysics; biosensing
Early Career Physicists Networks
Representatives from researcher networks listed in this section will be regularly invited to join the annual joint Steering & Scientific Advisory Committee meetings as well as the many ongoing topical working groups.

EPS Young Minds
Representative: Mattia Ostinato
Soft Matter, Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Phase Transitions, Molecular Dynamics, Magnetism