2023 Impact factor 2.6
Hadrons and Nuclei

EPJ D Topical review - Wigner scattering theory for systems held together by Coulombic forces

Originally developed and formulated for nuclear scattering, Wigner’s theory is extremely general, with application in many branches of physics. Atomic Physics often makes use of an apparently separate formalism (MQDT) which is in fact a specialisation of Wigner’s theory. In a new Topical Review article published in EPJD, Jean-Patrick Connerade (Imperial College London, UK and and European Academy EASAL, France) discusses the relevance of Wigner Scattering theory and in particular its K-matrix formulation for all systems held together by coulombic forces, including not only atoms and molecules but also clusters.

The advantage of the K-matrix is that analytic expressions can be given for interactions between resonances in terms of a meromorphic pole structure in the special case of asymptotically coulombic potentials. By using the K-matrix, a number of novel effects (q-reversals, vanishing radiative and particle widths, vanishing fluctuations, etc.) are understood as general phenomena.

This article is part of the Topical Issue Atomic Cluster Collisions (2019).

Jean-Patrick Connerade (2020),
Wigner scattering theory for systems held together by Coulombic forces
European Physical Journal D 74:107, DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2020-10135-3

David Blaschke, Thomas Duguet and Maria Jose Garcia Borge
Dear Mr. Turci,
I would like to thank you very much for your immediate response and let you know that the paper is of excellent quality and that you may proceed to the publishing process.

Maria Diakaki, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

ISSN (Electronic Edition): 1434-601X

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